MicroVention is now Terumo Neuro

Ordering Info Terms & Conditions

Ordering Info

To place an order, contact a Terumo Neuro Customer Service Representative at:

For North America

Terumo Neuro
Attn: Customer Service
35 Enterprise
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Toll-Free: +1.888.775.0182 / 1.800.990.8368
Local: +1.714.247.8000
Customer Service Fax: +1.714.242.7397
Email: customerservice@microvention.com



Address: Suite 3, The Barracks Building, 10 Cliffords Fort, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE30 1JE
Phone: +44(0)191 258 6777
Fax: +44(0)191 258 5999
Email: mvukcs@microvention.com

Address: 1 avenue Edouard Belin, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France
Phone: +33 1 39 21 77 46
Fax: +33 1 39 21 16 01
Customer Service France: mvfrance.customerservice@microvention.com 
Customer Service Export: MVExportCustomerService@microvention.com  


Address: Moskauer Str. 27, D-40227 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211 210 798 0
Fax: +49 211 210 798 29
Customer Service: office@microvention.de
Ordering Information: bestellungen@microvention.de

Address: Via Tommaso Gulli, 39 – 20147 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39 071 7106156
Toll-Free: 800 961 631
Fax: +39 071 2865400
General Enquiries: info.mvitalia@microvention.com
Customer Service: mvitaliacs@microvention.com

Asian Markets: The products may not be approved in all regions. The orders will be taken only in the regions where the product is approved by local regulatory authorities, as required


Terms and Conditions

For North America

Please visit our Terms of Sale page linked here: https://www.microvention.com/legal/terms-of-sale#content



Please contact EMEA Customer Service

Address: 1 avenue Edouard Belin, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France
Phone: +33 1 39 21 77 46
Fax: +33 1 39 21 16 01
Customer Service France: mvfrance.customerservice@microvention.com 
Customer Service Export: MVExportCustomerService@microvention.com